
Details do matter, most people ignore it and just brush it under the rug. We live in a world that is sophisticated, full of information and demanding of even more information, and the more we demand the more data we find. These details have a stopping point in our mind in which we say enough is enough. Well, the stopping point is entering a gray point, and we don't know when to stop the details. We eventually conclude the problems with stress factors, when it becomes too much the mind will react in a way that makes everything around us void, useless almost. When it comes to details, we must find the best solution for each problem and that usually means handing them off to another person. We are born with the instinct to help others and because of this the gratification process starts. This is what we are looking for in life, some simple gratitude, make the best of it, and hand it over to the next. I once read that Westinghouse incinerated all of his designs, and somebody asked him why he did that, and his response was; let the next generation design its own future. The picture above is of a labyrinth seal with and extension plate to a pump for hot oils and other applications.